In essential ways, homosexual needs have made me a nigger. I have of course been subject to arbitrary insult and brutality from citizens and the police. But except for being occasionally knocked down, I have gotten off lightly in this department, since I have a good flair for incipient trouble and I used to be nimble on my feet. What is much more niggerizing is being debased and abashed when it is not taken for granted that my out-going impulse is my right; so I often, and maybe habitually, have the feeling that it is not my street. I don't mean that my passes are not accepted, nobody has a right to that; but that I'm not put down for making them. It is painful to be frustrated, yet there is a way of rejecting someone that accords him his right to exist and is the next best thing to accepting him; but I have rarely enjoyed this treatment. (MORE IS COMING)
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